Pay Dues and Planned Giving
There are many different ways that you can pay your dues. You can pay a particular Donation Amount according to the Giving Levels or you can pay a custom amount. Once you click "Buy Now", you have the option to pay through Paypal or Credit Card. And lastly, you can mail in a check.
Donation Amount according to Giving Levels:
Any Amount Charge:
Giving Level
Donation Amount
Gene Pattison Giving Society
Platinum TKE
Gold TKE
Silver TKE
Dues over $1,000
$250.00 or more
$150.00 to $249.99
$100.00 to $149.99
Loyal TKE
$50.00 to $99.99
Bronze TKE

DOC Pattison Giving Society Level: $1000.00

Mail: Send a check to:
Zeta Delta Alumni Association of Tau Kappa Epsilon
Attn. Stacy Eoff
P.O. Box 3505
Little Rock, AR 72203
By obtaining 501(c)(4) status effective March 27, 2014 dues and donations to the Zeta Delta (Phi Phi Alpha) Chapter Alumni Association of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity are now tax deductible.
Gene Pattison Giving Society Members: Dues over $1000
If you need proof of the 501 (c) (4) status when filing taxes please click here to reference or print the necessary document from the IRS which includes the EIN number. The tax exempt status is effective March 27, 2014.
2020 Dues Listing as of today
The Zeta Delta Alumni Association of Tau Kappa Epsilon’s support will assist in keeping the traditions of TKE alive at Alma College. The BOA, TKE Alumni Association and the Officers of the Chapter continue to develop and enact plans to improve the fraternity and to increase membership, but we need your assistance in funding these efforts. The alumni association funds several projects and events throughout the year through contributions from fraters like you. We are asking for you to continue helping us in the following areas:
TKE Alumni Newsletter The alumni association pays for costs associated with the alumni newsletter
the chapter designs and mails approximately two times a year. -
TKE Alumni Directory, Awards, and Website The alumni association’s committees have projects benefiting both the undergraduates and alumni. The funds contributed by fraters for this purpose finance the projects like the Zeta Delta website, the alumni directory, alumni recognition awards, and events at homecoming.
Undergraduate Award Fund The alumni association established this fund to finance awards for the benefit of undergraduate fraters of the Zeta Delta chapter via the passport program that Doc started. Our goal is to increase the number and amount of these awards. Your contribution will allow us to do this which assists in the goal of helping fraters with the increasing costs of attending Alma College.
Initiation Aid The alumni association supports the chapter’s growth by providing financial aid to new members.
Alumni Rush Support Your contributions help our actives put on rush activities which facilitate the
the growth of our fraternity. -
Endowment Fund The Board of Advisors, the governing board over the undergraduate chapter,
maintains a fund originated from the insurance settlement from the old house to assist in financing the general activities of the chapter. For several years the BOA has been subsidizing the liability
insurance premium from the earnings to protect the chapter’s corporate assets and pay for other expenses like fees for regional leadership conferences and conclave. The alumni association, the entity
charged with raising money for the benefit of the Chapter’s undergraduates and alumni, is establishing its own endowment fund so it can step into the BOA’s shoes in this role so we do not have to deplete these funds. Your contribution will expand our financial capability in the future and, given the proper funding, the ability to purchase our own house one day.
We encourage all fraters to contribute at least the $20.00 TKE Alumni Dues on an annual basis as we depend on this money for funding the alumni newsletter and mailings like this. When you mail in your check, please provide an email address in the for space on the bottom left hand corner. This way the TKE Alumni Association can better provide you with news and updates about TKE. On behalf of the Zeta Delta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, we wish upon you and your family the very best wishes and good health!
Yours in the Bond,